Saturday, February 23, 2008

Introductions please

Allow me to introduce myself.
I am the amazing invisible woman - but I'm not alone. There are millions of us women of "that certain age" where we are no longer young and hot and are not yet old and cute. We're like an apple that's slowly going bad - once we're completely rotten, we're cute and wrinkly and make good doll's faces. But for now, we could walk the length of a crowded mall NAKED and not be noticed. Fact.
Not that I've tried it but it's tempting.
So, what to do? What to do?
Well, some women opt for making themselves more visible - and more ridiculous - hair colours not found in nature, long red talon nails, high heeled boots, lip-reader jeans and too much makeup.
Others give up - grey-streaked hair in a pony tail, baggy MOM pants, running shoes, sweatshirt.
The third group, like me, whose children won't allow me to do either of the above, struggle along with our few extra pounds and our pouchy eyes and thinning lips, hoping that no one will notice us.
And no one does.